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Fundraising, Marketing, IT, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Participate live to ask questions and learn from our expert speakers.

Crafting Year-End Donor Engagement Surveys

Sep 25, 2024

9:00 am PT


12:00 pm ET

Want to prepare for the year end’s fundraising meaningfully? Then listen to what your donors have to say. Join this session to enhance your donor survey strategy, focusing on inclusion. Learn how to create surveys that authentically capture diverse perspectives and ensure accessibility. You then build knowledge and tools to deepen donor relationships, personalize communications, and fuel your mission. Whether you are doing a survey for the first time or planning to re-use an old one, this session is suitable for all. Register now to secure your spot and build a donor survey strategy rooted in inclusivity. Participants will explore harms of data collection, best practices of equitable and inclusive surveys, and five must-ask questions to include in your next donor survey.

Meena Das | Namaste Data

Crafting Inclusive Stories To Move Your Mission

Oct 17, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

Join us for this webinar to learn how thoughtful, inclusive storytelling can become a powerful tool for positive change in your nonprofit's communications. We'll explore creating narratives that are not only impactful but also protect, respect, and dignify those you serve.

Maria Bryan | Maria Bryan Creative

What is my Theory of Change?

Oct 28, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

How do you know that your organization is having an impact? Join us for this presentation about the linchpin of your performance measurement arsenal: the Theory of Change. You'll learn what it is (and is not!), how and why it inspires funders, staff and other stakeholders, and about the tools and insights that link your strategies with outcomes, making your organization's agenda for social impact clear and accessible.

Lisa Gale | LVG Strategy Group, in partnership with Consultants for Good (C4G)

The Truth About Philanthropy and the Power We Have to Change It - Turning Frustration Into Action and Getting Dollars In the Door

Nov 4, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

If you have ever felt that nonprofit fundraising is more of a hustle than an effective way to find the funds to make a difference, then you are in good company! More charitable money is being housed in financial accounts than being spent in communities, but there are actually things WE can do to change that! This session will explore the movements that are changing how we all engage in philanthropy, wealth distribution, and nonprofit fundraising.

Patrice Shumate | A Village for Good, in partnership with Consultants for Good (C4G)

A Painless Strategic Planning Toolkit That Leads to Action and Impact

Nov 18, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

Simplify your strategic planning process with our toolkit: engaging stakeholders, defining your impact, setting PACT goals, establishing clear timelines, and developing a strong communication plan. Achieve your goals by aligning resources with your strategy and setting yourself up for impactful actions!

Allecia Harley | IntuWork Consulting

Managing (or Initiating) Rapid Growth: Collaborative Solutions for Visionary Leaders

Dec 2, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

If you're caught in a tidal wave of rapid growth or dreaming big about leveling up, there are tried and true methods for making sure your organization can keep pace with the scale of your vision. Collaboration is an underutilized tool for accelerating nonprofit impact. You'll leave this session with new insights and examples of collaborations that are turning start-up nonprofits into household names and tools to manage your growth trajectory.

Kate Harris | Kate Harris Group, in partnership with Consultants for Good (C4G)

Unleashing Creativity: 7 1⁄2 Innovative Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofit Success

Dec 11, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

In this dynamic session, you'll discover tips for infusing fun into every fundraising initiative, the power of storytelling to captivate donors, how to reimagine traditional events for maximum impact, innovative peer-to-peer fundraising techniques, and ways to leverage multiple smaller events for greater success.

Robin Thompson | Robin Thompson Fundraising Fundraising Solutions

2024 Grant Trends and What to Expect for 2025

Dec 16, 2024

9:00 am PT


12:00 pm ET

Join us to explore the latest trends in grant funding and provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to secure the resources that will propel your nonprofit forward. Understanding grant trends is crucial for maximizing your nonprofit's capacity and ensuring the best return on investment. Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of cold applications and instead, through diligent research and strategic relationships, send tailored proposals to the right funders.

Jessica Payne | Mockingbird Incubator


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